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Now is the time that most of us make those hard-to-keep New Year's resolutions. I read somewhere that the top few resolutions are:
- to stop smoking
- to start exercising
- to go on a diet
- to get of debt

The problem comes in when we battle to keep these and we start to feel like a failure. I think the secret is to set challenges that are achievable. Once you've achieved them you can set new ones, etc.

One New Year's resolution that will change all aspects of your life is to start focusing on your personal growth. In the workplace this means that you should be constantly updating your professional knowledge and expertise. This requires you to be self-managed and self-directed.

As part of your personal growth you should formulate a career path with actions steps built in to measure your progress.

The following activities will help you to develop and enhance your skills levels:
- Become a member of a professional society which will provide you with a broad range of opportunities to explore and develop some of your skills;
- Expand your reading to include not just books but also periodicals, newsletters, journals, trade publications, research reports, etc.
- Attend a wide variety of events, e.g. workshops, courses, lectures, conferences, seminars, etc.
- Networking with other professionals in order to learn from one another as well as to give support;

Your action plan will include some of the following:
- Identify specific skills, knowledge, behaviours, etc to be developed;
- Set realistic time scales;
- Put the plan into operation - ask your manager, colleagues or mentor for assistance when and if needed;
- Evaluate the success of this personal growth plan.

Some of the benefits that will come your way when you start focusing on your personal growth:
- your performance will improve and there will be an increase in your competency level;
- you should be able to make better decisions;
- you will have a better appreciation for few concepts, values, technology and other current influences.

Personal growth is something YOU do for yourself, YOU take ownership of it, YOU make it happen. Do you see your full potential? Be everything that you can be!